
drtobyDoctor Toby is a world renowned academic figure in the world of sleep therapy and dream interpretation, he has helped many high profile business achievers and celebrities with their nocturnal imagineering, aiding them with his revolutionary visualization techniques and reassuring them with his words of wisdom.

Now Doctor Toby brings his years of expertise to the blogosphere in order to raise awareness of what is happening in the third of our life which is outside of our conscious control.

Martin Luther King may’ve had a dream but Doctor Toby is the one to tell you what it means!

8 Responses

  1. Hi Dr Toby,

    I dream A LOT and have had kept a dream journal for 24 years now. Last night though I had a style of dream that I have never had before.

    I am standing with a group of friends. I am telling them that I am aware that I am in my dream. I move my arms and legs and dance around because I cannot believe I am aware in my own dream!! They ( the friends) question me: “Well…where are you normally?” I tell them I am usually watching the dream from above. But this time I am actually in the dream! They all turn to me and say:

  2. Hi Nadia,

    Thanks for contacting me with your dream, I can’t really do it justice by interpreting it here and now, but if you don’t mind I will enter it into my casebook and will perhaps give it the full Dr Toby treatment as soon as I have time.

    Hope this is okay with you,
    Dr Toby

  3. Hi Dr Toby,

    Great! Thank you.


  4. Hi Dr. Toby, in this dream I felt such strong anger and sadness that I woke up gasping for air and sad..Can you tell me what it might mean? I dreamed that I found a dog wandering around and brought him him home, the “home” I bought him to was the home I grew up in as a teenager with my sister and parents. I looked under his collar it said his name was Mr.Brightside (which is the title to a song by the Killers) and there was a phone #. In the dream I called the number, it was a Canada ph# so I knew that Mr Brightside had come a long way. He was so sweet but timid, hungry and dirty. So I left a message on the owners machine saying “I found your dog please call me”. I gave Mr Brightside a bath and fed him and gave him lots of love. I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and didnt turn on the light because I never do when I go to the bathroom at night and heard something rustling around in the shower and was immediately terrfied that an attacker was in the shower, and all of the sudden someone reached out and grabbed my arm and I screamed and screamed until I saw that it was my father taking a shwoer in the dark. “Why didnt you TELL ME you were in here?!” I yelled! He looked guilty. “Why are you taking a shower in MY bathroom Dad?” He doesnt answer, just guilty face…I immediately ask “WHERE IS MR BRIGHTSIDE??” He doesn’t answer, so I run out and my mother and highschool friend are walking in the door, “WHERE IS MR BRIGHTSIDE??” I demand, and they both look at me guiltily, and then they tell me the owner called and they brought him back. I felt overwhelmingly sad and angry, “HOW COULD YOU BEFORE I SAID GOODBYE? HOW COULD YOU?”, the rest of the dream was me sobbing and screaming….Woke up so upset.

  5. Dr. Toby,
    I am writing because I have what I consider extreme dreams. Some of them are serial dreams. The same one over again. In my dreams I can smell,taste,see color, black and white,everything and anything is in my dreams. I have even had several dreams watching myself dream. It’s almost like a dream inside of a dream. My main concern is how my dreams affect my day to day living. Some dreams are very hard to come out of. I remember vivid detail and it affects how I feel for the whole day,because of it being so real. One of my serial dreams my son has just started dreaming the same one. I really don’t know if you are able to help with any of this,but I sure hope so.


    • I have something similar. There are so many recurring themes in my dreams, or even the same ones, and it’s really tough to wake out of the dream and go on with my day, either because the dream was so intensely good or intensely bad.

      My own personal thought is that because I’m such an easy-going and worry-free guy, that all my anxieties MUST be played out in my dreams, because I ignore them or don’t have them in real life.

      The last thing is, that I seem to dream from the moment I sleep to the moment I wake, and even if I wake several times in the night, I fall right back asleep and continue dreaming. And there are some times where I’m really afraid in my dream, and force myself to wake from it, and when I’m awake, I have somewhat of a psychedelic experience, where patterns appear on the wall, or objects move or change shape. However, this is somewhat normal, because the chemicals in our brains that cause dreams can be considered highly potent psychedelic drugs (if you’d go as far as to say that).

      I intend to see a doctor soon, mainly because I’m worried that because I seemingly get no real “rest” during the night, then perhaps my sleep pattern is messed up, or my pineal gland is overactive (the gland that secretes the “dream molecules”) or something.

      I guess I’d just like to encourage you and your son that you’re not alone, and you should inform yourself and perhaps seek professional help from a doctor. I’m sure there’s either chemical or psychological help to remedy overactive pineal glands or strange sleeping habits. I’ve heard of one treatment where essentially a light is shined at your face while you sleep for 24 hours, but only in the times when your body should be “awake”. After a few of these treatments, supposedly your body will know when it should sleep and when to be awake.


  6. Dear Dr.Toby,
    Maybe you can help me with this problem. I’ve always had a problem with nightmares. Ever since I can remember. But I think theres something very wrong with the nightmares now that I’m older. See, so many nights I’ll lie awake because I have Horrible nightmares! They can shake me so bad I become very jumpy for days. But the strangest thing about them is, I can never remember what there about. I wake up feeling scared and shocked, sometimes in all around panic attacks. But I have no idea why. And that scares me even more. Other times, when I Can remember what there about, its dying. Only, I’m not me. I’m someone else, and their being murdered. I scream that I’m not them but no sound comes out. I’ve become greatly disturbed by all this and would like a professional opinion on the matter. The lack of sleep is affecting me more now, and I still can’t sleep without the lights and TV on. Please tell me I’m not just crazy.

  7. Dear dr. Toby
    I often have vivid and disturbing dreams but last nights one has really puzzled me, i wonder if you could shed some light on it?
    My nan stabbed me in the stomach ( i can’t remember what lead up to that) and although i was losing alot of blood i walked on my own to the hospital, i was on an operating table and given a local anaesthetic i then watched myself being operated on as i had my kidney removed :/

    I havent recently watched anything to do with hospitals or stabbing and me and my nan have a good relationhip so i find this really bizare?! Please help me interpret this!
    Dylan x

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